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Thank you for signing up to The Reluctant Illustrator – did you do that reluctantly?

The Reluctant Illustrator is where I post my drawings, accompanied by wandering musings and reflections. It will always be a work in progress that encourages a beginner's mind. Drawings and sketches from curious encounters with the flotsam and jetsam of life – a sporadic, random collection of posts and sketches, that may or may not influence, coherent patterns may or may not evolve, yet, hopefully, delight and whimsy will be ever-present.

In time I will draw from conversations with readers, offer memberships, and yes – merch! – for the card deck, the discount code for subscribers is: in the cards!

Thanks for subscribing. I hope these whimsical scratchings and musings bring you delight.

PS: For Gmail users, posts can end up in your promotions folder – select the email and click 'not a promotion', you'll receive them in your inbox after that.

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