Happy Valentines Day!

On a scale of possible temperatures from absolute zero (-270º C) to absolute hot, (140 gazillionº C) the range of human tolerance is minuscule, and the scale of comfort is less than a speck. How tiny a space then for love to manifest and grow... and yet it blooms regularly, even among specks and in the most hostile conditions.

Boy, that's hot!
As kids, playing barefoot, we were challenged by getting across the sizzling tarmac. It required the long way around or a calculated dash – speed loping, long strides, tiptoes, then heels – once your feet were off the shade and even part way, you were committed.
Hesitation was doom, returning far worse.
Such a minor range for all our troubles and joys to play out in.

As always, thanks for reading and indulging!
Happy Valentine's Day!
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